Thursday 21 November 2013

Dominican Safari!

Today Jeff and I went on a Dominican Safari where we got to learn about some of the culture of the Dominican people. I was so fascinated. After our tour of the plantation we went to a schoolhouse to see a classroom. Then we visited one of the world's top 10 beaches where we ate lunch and swam. After that we visited a mountain spring that mixes with the beautiful ocean water (which was very cold!). After that we stopped at a iguana place. Man those things are huge!! Then we stopped an art gallery in Samana and met the national stone-Larimar. Wowwww is it beautiful!

If anyone that went on this trip wants a copy of the disk, please email me (Katie) at and I'd be happy to send you one. There's lots more pics!

Cocoa plant!

Tasting the cocoa. 

There are 3 different types of bananas grown in the Dominican-regular bananas, Caribbean bananas and plantain. 

Tasting honey

There are 3 types of sugar cane in Dominican-white, brown and violet (I didn't know there was violet!)

Guess the fruit!

Such cute girls :)

This little boy was adorable. He was giving flowers to all the ladies. 

They sell the fruit on a roadside stand.

This was our tour bus!

Coffee beans come in little pods. They turn brown when they're roasted (the white things are the beans)


This is from the school we visited. 

This is for my son Connor. He loves "beep beeps"

Open air flame cooking. 

Me and Jeff in front of the beach!

Bracelet-making guy

These are the roads to the beach. So narrow. 

Beautiful mountain spring. 

This guy's pretty cool. 

One more "beep beep" for Connor. 

The ditches here are nuts! So deep!

These guys love flowers!

Isn't he SO cute?!

Us on the bus :)

And finally, the beautiful national stone!